Fuck Monk - Friday Night Death #151


Name of Event: Friday Night Death #151 

Artist: Konk Zooben

Venue/Date: Live streamed on 28 May 2021 from Melbourne, Australia

Friday Night Death is a live improvisation (music and visuals) that streams every Friday at 11.00pm 

Konk Zooben - Saxophone, Gufukra (aka GUF - a collection of noise making things including items hanging from and screwed to a ladder, custom made sample trigger devices (Babbleboxes), electronic drum and other analogue and digital noise manipulating gadgets), Voice.

All visuals are live generated and streamed in real time during the show by a bespoke engineered series of devices, shell scripts and free software collectively referred to as the Video Unzymotic Generator (VUG).

Watch or listen: https://www.fridaynightdeath.com/fuck-monk
