New Myconic Plaguenoise from Fungus-obsessed 'The Ripening'


before COVID19, writer, artist and sound wizard A DEMON SHEEN had a vision, a vision of the End of the Anthropocene, an Ending brought about by a worldwide plague.  
in this vision, this global pandemic was not the work of a virus, but a fungus - a parasitic mind-controlling unpredictable fungus of unimaginable beauty and horror, a Cordyceps-style possessor of will and purpose, a fungal force that would not only change the way humynity would look, but how they would behave.   in this vision, every humyn being was suddenly rendered different, with unique expressions of the fungal host erupting from their humyn bodies in unpredictable and idiosyncratic ways.   in this vision, each humyn host would become no longer driven by status or money or bloodline or race or religion or the brainwashing of media or the indoctrination of their childhood traumas - each humyn host was now only interested in supporting and honouring and caring for their new fungal family, and the environment in which the fungus thrives.  the old humyn society of greed and privilege and old-boy networks was exploded, replaced with a new fungal utopia of care and love and respect and the spreading of spores.
to those who had been infected, this change, from blinkered black and white humyn vision to wide-screen rainbow kaleidoscope fungal vision, was called

the latest in the ongoing series of permutated myceliac shapeshifting fungal hymns to The Myconocene is available now, and stars longtime experimental veterans
 JUSTIN ASHWORTH on mutated tongues
PANTHERA LEO on fogged field recordings
JAME ACUTE REGRESSION WINGARD on propagation and humectants
A DEMON SHEEN on the rest.
