New arrivals at Sunshine & Grease and a special instore....

Recieved yesterday in the mail was a box of very beautifully packaged releases from Japan. The label is Black Petal, run by a bloke named Anthony Guerra, Australian ex-pat, living in Japan for the last few years. If you don’t already know about Anthony and his music, you should. An unique and inventive and adaptable improviser and all round good guy.

Anthony has played with all manner of people over the last 10 years or so, including Dean Roberts, Joel Stern, Oren Ambarchi, Rob Mayson (Grey Daturas), Antony Milton, Peter Blamey, Matt Earle, Adam Sussman. and is going to be in Melbourne later in the year. Look out for a show at the Toff in December.

He started Black Petal 3 or 4 years ago just before he moved to Japan and has released nearly 20 deeply beautiful, heavy, and often demanding releases since. Now at Sunshine & Grease. Please note that all releases are very limited. Visit for more info on these fine releases and others you may have missed. Also instore: Trapdoor Tapes, Venting Gallery, Naturestrip, Breakdance the Dawn and Musicyourmindwillloveyou, Sabattical and Sweatlung releases.

Instore 8/11/08

Joel Stern, Rosalind Hall, Dale Gorfinkel and Ian Wadley carnival band spectacular. Gig starts at 2 pm. Come early for some cheap refreshments.
