The depth of our virtual shelves can sometimes be a little overwhelming, and I sometimes feel that genuine gems get lost deep in the website corridors. To address this, over the coming weeks I will be publishing 30 posts/articles highlighting particular titles and related releases. These posts will include discount codes usable on these and related releases for a limited amount of time
Stay tuned to the 30 Deep Dives here, as well as on our Facebook and Instagram pag
New in the online shop
* Alex Carpenter "Excavation Patterns" LP - monumental and gorgeous slabs of guitar
* Music of Transparent Means "Chord from the Second Delphic Hymn/Emerging Like an Infant from the House of Truth" LP - back in stock
* The Narcoleptor "Transmogrification" LP - goth-infused harp and virtuosic theremin duo
Free Percussion/Water
New compilation track from Clinton Green composed and recorded for this themed percussion compilation from Italian label tsss tapes Free Percussion/Water. The compilation also features Ted Byrnes, Jeph Jerman and other exploratory percussionists of note.