SeenSound Live Edition: Sat 3 April 2pm


SeenSound: April Live Edition

Seasons turn, entropy and order ebb and flow, sound and image hold each other in tension, and SeenSound presents new performances and fixed media works by:

Carlops Lopez Charles, Evvipides Evvipiduo, Eiichi Tosaki, Roger Alsop, Leyokki, Megan Kenny, Scott Dunbabin, Grania Burke, Brigid Burke and Mark Pedersen.

If you're coming to the live event, please note the one off change in start time. For this edition only, we'll be running from 2pm - 3pm in the afternoon, to accommodate other events in the venue. We'll be back to the regular 6pm slot next month.

If you've missed the last few live events, get on down to the space and join us in person if you can. There's elegant seating in the front room, an excellent bar, and even better sound and vision.

If you can't make it in person, we will post an archive of the event to and stream via LOOPStream feeds as soon as we can - check or the Facebook page for details.

Saturday, April 3 2021
Loop Project Space & Bar
23 Meyers Place, Melbourne
$10 / $5 at the door. 
Event will start at 2:00pm (GMT +11)
