Sit amongst beautiful flowers drinking Yunnanese tea or a Sunday tipple (byo). Hear data as music and see scores as visual art. Watch a video-link with the ecologist who traipsed a Himalayan mountain collecting plant-flowering data for climate change research.
Emerge with all your senses activated and the sound of flowers in your ears. Naima Fine merges composition, activism and ecology in this unique and immersive world premiere event.
Featuring Robert Macfarlane on tenor voice (Australian Bach Society), Kim Tan on Chinese flute (Forest Collective), Matt Horsley on percussion (Trioc), Mirren Strahan on violin (MeatBrain), Katherine Philp on cello (Kupka’s Piano/Camerata), and Miranda Hill on double bass (Homophonic!/Octave Pussy).
Kids welcome. Accessible venue.
Kids $10
Concession $20
Full $30
03 9660 9666
No-one turned away for lack of funds - please pm Naima Finest to arrange.
NOTE: THIS PERFORMANCE INCLUDES THE RELATED EXHIBITION OF WORKS. If you can't make the performance but would like to check out the exhibition, come along between 10:30am-3pm, donation entry.
Exhibition event link:
This event takes place on stolen Wurundjeri land of the Kulin nation. Sovereignty never ceded.
This event is part of the awesome Melbourne Fringe Festival.