Tilde 2019 call for proposals
Tilde New Music Festival currently has an open call for proposals for the 2019 edition of the festival.http://www.tilde.net.au/calls -- click there for more information.
What are we after? Projects and performances including notated music, improvisation, installations, and electroacoustic performance. Tilde particularly welcomes submissions featuring solo and ensemble repertoire; female, trans, intersex, and non-binary composers and sound artists; and site-specific works.
Tilde promotes contemporary (new – art music), exploratory and experimental music. Our program usually consists of contemporary composers (Australian and international - focusing on Australasia, nothing written before 1969), electroacoustic performance, improvisation in a free or post-classical style (i.e. not jazz), and inter-disciplinary collaboration (previously we have had dancers, painters, animators, and performance artists). We also have an installation featuring sound art/electronic and computer music.