Abstract Paradigms is running late. A day late and a buck short? Nah, there's some solid music here to get you through until your next payday. In this episode we hear some manipulated found sounds, erratic guitar, and a noisey industrial master who has flown all the way from New York to play a tiny record store / bar in Carlton (that is definitely the only reason). Don't delay.
Get it at http://podcast.abstractparadigms.com.au/e/edition12 or on iTunes, TuneIn or SoundCloud. Catch the gig guide on Facebook at https://facebook.com/AbstractParadigmsRadio.
Tracklist for 23/11/2017:
Body Maintenance - Transit [Self-released, 2017]
ERCHA - Live at Make It Up Club - Jan 2017 [Self-released, 2017]