A series of free one hour listening walks for all exploring our suburb and its surrounds
Saturday October 7, 10am - Walk led by musician Ben Byrne, leaving from the corner of Edward and Lygon st
Sunday October 8, 5pm - Walk led by landscape architect Anthony Magen, leaving from Aboriginal Community Elders Services, 5-6 Parkview avenue
Sunday October 15, 7:30pm - Walk led by field recordist Martin Kay, leaving from opposite the Brunswick Baths on Dawson st
Sunday October 22, 2pm - Walk led by AV artist Polly Stanton, leaving from the corner of Albert and King st
Sunday October 29, 12pm - Walk led by poet Prithvi Varatharajan, leaving from the playground at Wilson st and Sydney rd
Presented by the Australian Forum for Acoustic Ecology and Avantwhatever
Supported and Funded by Moreland Council's Community Grants Program