Avantwhatever presents
Simon Charles & Ensemble
Martin Kay
Martin Kay
Wednesday August 2
19 Church st Brunswick
Entry $10 | 7:30pm
19 Church st Brunswick
Entry $10 | 7:30pm
A launch for the first in our new editions series of online only releases - Simon Charles's mesmerising Erasing Architecture.
The evening will feature a performance of the composition as well as a recording performance by Martin Kay.
Simon's ensemble will include Michael McDermid, Jessica McFarlane, Kier Stephens, Flynn Sky-McCormick, Justin Ossher and Michael McNab.
The release will, of course, be available on the night.
Note: The Alderman is having some construction work done so we've pushed this show back a week - to Wednesday August 2 - and moved it to Chamber just up the road - come along if you can!