A weekend of experimental sounds from Central Victoria to celebrate 15 years of undue noise
Old Fire Station, View St Bendigo
admission by donation
enquiries 0421786595, undue @ cajid.com
* subject to change *
* artists in order of performance *
* latest info at http://unduenoise.org*
Saturday 24 June 2 pm
Catherine Schieve: Repentistas (2003). Catherine Schieve, electronics; Warren Burt, viola
Warren Burt: Mosaics and Transparencies (outing five) (2017) Warren Burt, live electronics and sound diffusion (4 channel)
Julian Williams / Hamish Smith: first collaborated last year making prog like improvisations with guitars and instruments Hamish made like some kind of slide monster. Expect ghostly words from Julian and a journey from ambient to Epsom noise factory and back again.
Justin Butler: improvised electronics
Helmet & the Pearl: Scott Sanders, Mark Noulton, guitar improv
Saturday 24 June 8 pm
Luxurywolf: sparse and atmospheric improv from this hooded quartet - piano /guitar /percussion /samples /noise. .Snit down jazz pop sounds?
Got the Ghouls: ambient/soundscape/violin/keyboard/drone experiments from Ryan & Georgie.https://unionjerkrecords.bandcamp.com/album/got- the- ghouls
MinoR 1000: here’s a track with animation by Paul Fletcher
Muttboy: experimental electronics combining all things Muttboy with Buchla Easel & Moog Mother 32 synths
Thomas Szulik / Blake Damilatis: James Szulik harsh noise/feedback loop/power electronics/samples/wall of noise type stuff - https://soundcloud.com/user- 51727638/beelzeblaze
Sunday 25 June 2 pm
Noisy Fractals: Noisy Fractals was started as a free jazz poetry project in Tasmania by steve d'Avis (alto sax/voice/percussion) in 2012, mainly focusing on live impromptu performances. The project featured at the recent Castlemaine Fringe Festival, now includes Jude Russell (keys) & Peter (hand- made bass) and explores influences via free jazz.
Damian Mason: guitar abstractions
Brakhage: improv from a duo originally set up to interpret a program of Stan Brakhages’s silent abstract films at a film society in Bendigo.. Now occasionally improvise to their own abstract thoughts (JJ Bull guitar /Jacques Soddell musique concrete)
Klare Lanson: new film, spoken word, sounds+
And maybe a group improv
Sunday 25 June 8pm
Paul Fletcher: 3 animations – Mysterious Space (5:33), Psychoflorialis (3:11), Reactions (5:27)
Jacques Soddell: explorations of bird sounds - neither Messiaen, nor Merzbow, with water and forest images by Maree Tonkin and bird film by JS
JJ Bull: solo guitar improv
Cray: Ross Healy’s modular synth project
Vicmod ENSemble: Modular heaven with Ross and other members of Vicmod
and Peter Pascoe (Text Jockey) (to be advised)