Name: Frisson, CupAndBow, +
Where: Neon Parlour, 791 High St, Thornbury
When: Sun 9/Jul/2017. Doors 3pm, starting 4pm, $5 at the door, BYO,
NTAFLOF (nobody turned away for lack of funds), accessible venue.
[to be read in David Attenborough's voice] Frisson is a Melbourne-based
duo: Tim on synth and electronics, Paul on guitar and electronics
(although he could feasibly be replaced by a cat with a reverb pedal).
Combining influences from London and South Africa (although you wouldn't
be able to tell by listening to the music), it's mostly angular and
angsty and brooding and self-involved and dark. Instrumental, too.
Aiming to be as jarring as possible (while not necessarily loud) without
actually being kicked off the stage, they aspire to channel some Böhren
und der Club of Gore, or perhaps Coil. Otherwise, they are inordinately
interested in chickens, nuclear winter, and penguins, as well as birds,
more generally.
CupAndBow is a box, the box makes noise, the noise is
strange. Experimental, synth, noise and drone music made mostly with
handmade and circuit bent noise boxes.
*Also*, we're still looking for one act to join us! If you're
interested, drop me an email at paul at denknerd dot org. Probably
droney / sparse / ambient-ish music would go best with our act, but we'd
like to be open-minded, and diversity is a Good Thing! We'll each have
about 45+ minutes per set. Friendly and accepting atmosphere.
(forwarded from Paul David)