GAIP ‘gather’
GAIP (General Assembly of Interested Parties) in conjunction
with TESTING GROUNDS presents gather, a 24 hour performance event on May 14/15,
2016 at Testing Grounds, 1 – 23 City Road, Southbank, Saturday 6:00 pm. until
Sunday 6:00 pm.
From the GAIP website:
gather will function,
in part, as a closing ceremony, marking the end of a chapter for Testing
Grounds (which will undergo a major upgrade over winter).
There will be no
programmed performances, instead, spontaneous, adhoc, on-the-spot
collaborations, and an improvisational approach to performance of any material
will be the predominant mode of relation, forming a constantly negotiated
improvisational ecology.
Video from a 2014 GAIP event at Testing Grounds:
Intersection 2
Thursday May 19, 2016, 11am-1pm, cnr of Swanston and La
Trobe Streets, Melbourne.
Public space event orchestrated by Ren Walters, following on
from last year’s Intersection event (video below).