WHERE: C3 Gallery at The Abbotsford Convent,
1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford.
WHEN: 11.30am-12.30pm Saturdays on 31 October, 7
November, 14 November & 21 November 2015.
WHAT: 20 participants ringing hand bells for 15minutes in
and around The Abbotsford Convent.
PROJECT: CUB stack-Good Shepherd steeple/12 noon
Saturdays/28 October-22 November 2015 is a series of 4
performances by artist Geoff Robinson that will create a
sonic relationship between two landmarks within the
Abbottsford Convent and surrounding area; the Carlton
United Brewery chimneystack and the Good Shepherd
Chapel steeple. In conjunction with the ringing of the Good
Shepherd Chapel bells, 20 participants will ring hand bells
in different configurations between the two landmarks at
12noon over 4 Saturdays.
CONTACT: If you are interested in participating on any of
the 4 Saturdays please contact Geoff Robinson at –
(forwarded from Geoff Robinson)
1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford.
WHEN: 11.30am-12.30pm Saturdays on 31 October, 7
November, 14 November & 21 November 2015.
WHAT: 20 participants ringing hand bells for 15minutes in
and around The Abbotsford Convent.
PROJECT: CUB stack-Good Shepherd steeple/12 noon
Saturdays/28 October-22 November 2015 is a series of 4
performances by artist Geoff Robinson that will create a
sonic relationship between two landmarks within the
Abbottsford Convent and surrounding area; the Carlton
United Brewery chimneystack and the Good Shepherd
Chapel steeple. In conjunction with the ringing of the Good
Shepherd Chapel bells, 20 participants will ring hand bells
in different configurations between the two landmarks at
12noon over 4 Saturdays.
CONTACT: If you are interested in participating on any of
the 4 Saturdays please contact Geoff Robinson at –
(forwarded from Geoff Robinson)