We live the antithesis.
Four diverse artists play in the depths of winter at Conduit Arts An audio visual evening of extremes.
Tickets $10/$5conc
HOST - Based in the NSW Blue Mountains, ambient / noise / experimental act Host is the creation of Nathan Jenkins (ex-The Amenta) and originates as a tool to explore the modern mysteries without the baggage and superstition of the Old Aeon. .
The Vainglories - is the solo project of Gillian Lever, and is responsible for producing the soundtrack to her introspective moods. Melancholic melody intertwines with textured strangeness to create lullabies for the nightmare-prone. The Vainglories has played live in UK and Australian venues, and has written music for film and live theatre, including writing and performing the live score for Watson's Jhonsey award winning show Once Were Planets in the 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. In 2013 The Vainglories also wrote the music for Amanda Lever’s Masters in Choreography VCA final performance, ‘Dasein’.
Based in Melbourne, The Vainglories constantly struggles with the grammatical difficulties arising from being a solo artist with a name more suited to a band.
Sam Filmer - (Em Vecue Aquieu, The Sleep Ensemble, Schwanz Kaputt) noise maker and non-hit wonder emerges from the various monikers to gather electrons with a synthesizer system, drawing energy from nearby AC outlets to form looping, high energy, drone-tech fun.
Abre Ojos - “Abre Ojos” was an old saying by Spanish and Portuguese sailors while navigating the dangerous reef infested waters surrounding Australia’s coastline meaning “watch out” or “open your eyes, there is danger all around.” Combining vintage analog electronics with twenty-first century digital technology, Abre Ojos creates immersive audio-visual works. Deep and dark with glimpses of light, the experience shifts from provocative to meditative.
http://abreojos.net/ http://www.facebook.com/
Face Off from abre ojos on Vimeo.
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