Upcoming gigs:
Conduit Arts, 83 Brunswick St, Fitzroy
Entry: donation
Tuesday 27 May, 9pm
Entry: $10/$5
Musikunst @ Great Britain Hotel – basement, 447 Church St, Richmond
Entry: $10/$5
Facebook event
- Be the star of the trio
Sean Baxter
Evelyn Morris
Barnaby Oliver
Adam Simmons
Cross Street (Moreland City Band Hall), Cross St, East Brunswick
Make It Up Club @ Bar Open, 317 Brunswick St, Fitzroy
Entry: $10/$5
After my hiatus of a couple of months from live performance
due to a broken foot, I’m just about back on my feet again and looking forward
to playing a range of varied gigs over the next few weeks.
Saturday 17 April, 3-11:30pm
CURRENT 2014: Sound BodyConduit Arts, 83 Brunswick St, Fitzroy
Entry: donation
CURRENT is an event that brings together Melbourne improvisers of
various colours arranged into new trios. I have played at and attended CURRENT
before and it is always a joyous and special event. This year is slightly
different, in that dancers as well as musicians will be part of each trio.
Tuesday 27 May, 9pm
Cornelius Cardew’s Treatise
Make It Up Club @ Bar Open, 317 Brunswick St, FitzroyEntry: $10/$5
I am part of a large
ensemble of musicians, directed by Ian Parsons, who will be performing about 15
pages of Cardew's landmark graphic score.
Saturday 31 May, 4-7pm
Clinton Green’s Good
Improv/Bad ImprovMusikunst @ Great Britain Hotel – basement, 447 Church St, Richmond
Entry: $10/$5
Facebook event
"Good Improv/Bad
Improv" explores both negative and positive behaviours in group
improvisation. Performers are arranged into trios, then each musician draws an
instruction from a hat, which they then follow in the subsequent improvisation,
without revealing the instruction to their fellow performers or audience until
afterwards. Instructions include:
- Play softer than
everyone else
- Completely disregard
what the others play - Be the star of the trio
Putting themselves out
there in a very risky musical situation are the following improv social
scientists (shuffling into different trios throughout the afternoon):
Todd Anderson-Kunert
Jenny Barnes Sean Baxter
Evelyn Morris
Barnaby Oliver
Adam Simmons
Here is the score for
the piece, including full details of how it works and all the instructions
available to performers - http://www.shamefilemusic.com/ug/goodimprov.pdf
Friday 6 June
Solo performanceCross Street (Moreland City Band Hall), Cross St, East Brunswick
More details to come
Tuesday 24 June, 9pm
Duo with Paul Wain (Antediluvian Rocking Horse) Make It Up Club @ Bar Open, 317 Brunswick St, Fitzroy
Entry: $10/$5
New on Shame File
Music mailorder:
Great Waitress -
"Flock" CD Two haunting, other-worldly improvisations combining
accordian, clarinet and piano from this Australian/German trio.
Rosalind Hall
"Carriage of the Voice" CD Hall's live practice of extended
saxophone manipulation aided by strategically-placed microphones and self-made
reeds enters another world on this her debut solo album. Recorded at White
Space in Castlemaine, Hall responds to the natural reverb of the space and
creates two haunting pieces that for the uninformed listener could be mistaken
as electronic drone music, only betrayed by the sound of Hall's breath echoing
through the sax horn like the call of a conch shell.