MUSIKUNST is happening on the last Saturday of every
month in the basement of The Great Britain Hotel 447 Church St Richmond.
Doors open at 4:00pm, performances start at 4:30pm and entry is $5 / $10
This month on Saturday 25th August are:
Green (gramophone)
Evelyn Morris (drums)
Harriet K Militus (drums)
Michael Pulsford (drums)
Rod Cooper (electric guitars
& gramophone)
The collective will
perform duos with Rod Cooper. Drum kits
will be arranged throughout the space. Cooper, having recently extended his noise work with two
electric guitars with motorised strings added to his plant of handmade sound
objects, will move between them instrumentally and with the odd blues song.
There will also be a Gramophone duo with Clinton Green -- Cooper's
concept was to invite other artists along, mainly drummers, who had expressed
interest in playing with him. Cooper's long fascination with the work of
drummers, due to the denial of a drum kit as a child, is the main reason for
this particular focus. Whilst he regrets this disappointing aspect of his rural
upbringing he maintains the rage through his unique form of sonic expressionism
via the sonic objects he creates.