Undecisive God is the solo experimental music project of Clinton Green. His current interest is in exploring the unnatural yet largely unprocessed sounds of broken or 'wrongly played' instruments and sound devices, specifically guitar and record players. Using multiple turntables and layers of shattered/melted vinyl, he attempts to build organic loops that chaotically sample slices of forgotten record collections and reveal unexpected sonic epiphanies. http://ShameFileMusic.com/ug/MAKE UP SEX
Make Up Sex comprise of one Sophia Brous and one Tarquin Manek. Initially based upon improvising guttural vocalisations of feelings of sexual tension and release, in recent times their concepts have devoloped into those of wider human concerns and narratives whilst remaining undoubtly sexual. None of us would be here without sex of course, and to those perhaps from another planet where reproductive acts are redundant or for those born out of test tubes, Make Up Sex may appear to be a little obscure.G.N. CARAZO and R.M. MARLOW
Prepared and extended turntable techniques utilising recycled/re-used surfaces and objects to explore the possibilities of curious noise.
@ Horse Bazaar
397 Little Lonsdale Street
$10 (full) + $5 (conc)