Undue Noise
Sat 16th October 2010, 8pm $10
Old Fire Station, View St Bendigo
Enquiries: jacques@cajid.com; 0421786595
An exciting program this time, with films by Daylesford based Richard Touhy, who had a superb film shown at this year's Melbourne International Film Festival, the return of two Bendigo sound artists from the earlier days of undue noise, and a new local collaboration
The films of Richard Touhy
Situated in the materialist film tradition, Tuohy’s films exhibit a fascination with both the power of the mechanical cine camera, as well as the possibilities of experimental laboratory processes, frequently using natural environments and nature-scapes as the ‘gorund’ for his experimentation and abstraction. This selection includes two multi-projector expanded 16mm works.
Rotteur has been an ongoing project since first inception in 2000. Initially a studio-based melange of noise and industrial influences, it has developed to encompass live performance, focusing primarily on the domain of dark ambient. Sometimes abrasive, sometimes meditative, Rotteur makes cold, desolate soundscapes, haunted by droning machinery and sparse abstracted electronics. It’s intention is to explore the deepest abysses and undercurrents of the psyche; to dissolve all illusions. A hymn to the sub-terrain of emptiness, isolation and decay inherent in modern civilisation. (Darcy Long, using the names sig.int and rotteur was a regular in the early days of undue noise)
The Lonely Drone
The Lonely Drone is the alias of former Bendigo guitarist Jesse Lynch, from the band Pioneers Of Good Science. The Lonely Drone sound is a unique balance of lofi guitar drones & effect pedal manipulation cooked up into a dense fog of sound. Incorporating multiple layers of ambience, melody and texture.
Scott Sanders & Simon Howard
a new local collaboration - guitar, electronics, keyboard