+ BREATHING SHRINE - improvised, psychedelic drone excursions by Bonnie Mercer (Grey Daturas, Must Have No Magic, etc.) and Robert Mayson (Grey Daturas, Whitehorse, etc).
+ ROBERT CURGENVEN (12K, Recorded Fields) - custom vinyl/dubplate | room resonances | field recordings
Robert Curgenven's solo performance showcasing material from his new album ''Oltre'' is a compelling excursion into space and vibration, combining custom made vinyl, field recordings and resonances from everyday objects, through an absorbing physical immersion in sound.
+ POLETOPRA is visual artist and extreme noise practitioner and enthusiast Marco Fusinato and compositional and prepared instrumental genius Anthony Pateras, appearing respectively on electronics + guitar and analogue synthesiser
+ NAT BATES - a rare performance on sampler, shedding light on an intense period in the studio working on his SAD (Sound A Day) project: a recreation of the Bernard Parmegiani masterpiece 'La Création du Monde' using nothing but samples from iconic rock songs. Nat is perhaps more widely known as director of the annual Liquid Architecture festival.
8:30pm $10 (full) / $5 (conc)
+ BREATHING SHRINE - improvised, psychedelic drone excursions by Bonnie Mercer (Grey Daturas, Must Have No Magic, etc.) and Robert Mayson (Grey Daturas, Whitehorse, etc).
+ ROBERT CURGENVEN (12K, Recorded Fields) - custom vinyl/dubplate | room resonances | field recordings
Robert Curgenven's solo performance showcasing material from his new album ''Oltre'' is a compelling excursion into space and vibration, combining custom made vinyl, field recordings and resonances from everyday objects, through an absorbing physical immersion in sound.
+ POLETOPRA is visual artist and extreme noise practitioner and enthusiast Marco Fusinato and compositional and prepared instrumental genius Anthony Pateras, appearing respectively on electronics + guitar and analogue synthesiser
+ NAT BATES - a rare performance on sampler, shedding light on an intense period in the studio working on his SAD (Sound A Day) project: a recreation of the Bernard Parmegiani masterpiece 'La Création du Monde' using nothing but samples from iconic rock songs. Nat is perhaps more widely known as director of the annual Liquid Architecture festival.
8:30pm $10 (full) / $5 (conc)
@Horse Bazaar, 397 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Interested in knowing if there is a recorded version of this, and if it is publically available.