NGC1313 Spiral Galaxy in Reticulum – Abre Ojos @ Electundra from abre ojos on Vimeo.
A live performance as part of the recent festival at Loop Bar.
The performance is based around the amazing astronomy photographs of Marek Dobiecki, artist, teacher and astronomer, . Dobiecki has built himself an observatory in his backyard in the Dandenong ranges where he tracks the night sky with his computer controlled f4.5 x 30cm Newtonian Telescope capturing galaxies, nebulae and star fields. The photographs are wonderfully fragile, textured, grayscale images of up to 2 hours exposure time revealing things we can barely see with the naked eye.
These photos were built into a series of audio reactive Quartz Composer animations and the sounds are inspired from space recordings and low frequency atmospheric sounds of the earth built on a modular synthesizer.