PINK TWINS (musicians and video artists, brothers Juha and Vesa Vehvilinen from Helsinki, Finland) build a tissue of connections between their sound work and their visual work, attempting to intimately join mundane fragments usually disjoint. They work from fragments of images, sounds and sensations which our daily life is subjected to in order to break them down into small particles and reunite them once again in audacious constructions formed from chaos, pulverising and rendering them abstract, according to a unified artistic sensitivity. Their concerts are surprising chromatic combinations with strong sonic collusions which correspond to a deep need, with nothing superfluous.
Active since 1997, Pink Twins have played their music to audiences in Europe and Asia, in festivals, art spaces, clubs, churches and outdoor events, and displayed their video works on all continents.
This will be their only Melbourne performance!
VIJAY THILLAIMUTHU creates a situation whereby anarchic and defunct technologies democratically combines analogue debris and signal feedback. An extreme environment of sensory stimulation is thusly engineered through the translation of this voltage into both sound and vision.
+ some short films chosen by MICHAEL PRIOR between the acts!
@ Horse Bazaar, 397 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
7pm start. $10 (full) + $5 (conc)