forwarded from Eugenia Lim:
Synaesthesia @ Late Night Thursdays
Selected Thursdays between 2 April - 18 June 2009 from 6.30pm
Studio 1, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
Free - limited capacity. Pick up tickets at ACMI Box Office on the day to ensure entry.
The Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) will present an exciting fusion of sight and sound as part of Late Night Thursday's program from April to June.
Synaesthesia is a program of free live performances exploring different forms of the moving image, including media art, newly interpreted live film scores and works that draw on sound and film archives. The program will feature intimate showcases from Mink Engine, Outpost Collective, Robin Fox, Abject Leader, the Ang Fang Quartet, Jean Poole with DJ CanCut, Gossip Pop, Paul Robertson and a live collaboration between Qua and Isobel Knowles, all live in Studio 1.
Thur 2 April - Mink Engine Acres of Diamonds DVD launch + Q and A
Thur 9 April - Mink Engine (live performance)
Thur 23 April - Outpost Collective + Robin Fox (live performances)
Thur 7 May - Abject Leader (QLD) (live performance + screening of films)
Thur 14 May - Ang Fang Quartet (live score to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari)
Thur 4 June - Jean Poole with DJ Cancut + Gossip Pop
Thur 18 June - Qua with Isobel Knowles (live performance) + Paul Robertson (screening)