Free Choice is Jarrod Zlatic from Fabulous Diamonds. He has just returned from overseas and is playing a very merry instore at Sunshine+Grease this Friday (19/12/08) at 6:30 pm. Sunshine+Grease is at 117 Little Lonsdale st Melbourne and is also the home of Bus Gallery.
Sunshine + Grease opening hours over KKKri$ma$ are exceptional and as follows.
Wed 17/12 from 12-5. Thu 18/12 from 12-6, Fri 19/12 from 12-8, featuring Free Choice performance at 6:30 pm! Sat 20/12 from 12-5 Wed 24/12 from 12-5. Sunshine +Grease will be closed from Kri$mas until Thursday the 8th of January 2009. Thats 2 whole weeks off! What’ll I do? Any ideas, email me on
Skip JB. Come buy the new PBB or Gugg at S+G
Sunshine + Grease opening hours over KKKri$ma$ are exceptional and as follows.
Wed 17/12 from 12-5. Thu 18/12 from 12-6, Fri 19/12 from 12-8, featuring Free Choice performance at 6:30 pm! Sat 20/12 from 12-5 Wed 24/12 from 12-5. Sunshine +Grease will be closed from Kri$mas until Thursday the 8th of January 2009. Thats 2 whole weeks off! What’ll I do? Any ideas, email me on
Skip JB. Come buy the new PBB or Gugg at S+G