Marco Fusinato 0_Synaesthesia Edition Premiere @ MIUC 01.07.2008

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008 @ Bar Open

The Make It Up Club is proud to present the premiere of Marco Fusinato's 0_Synaesthesia Edition next Tuesday night at Bar Open

The night features:
  • Marco Fusinato’s 0_Synaesthesia Edition 4 turntable performance. Featuring:Jim Knox, Annalee Koernig, Patrick O’Brien, and Paul Wain (turntables)
  • Poletopra featuring Marco Fusinato (guitar and electronics) and Anthony Pateras
Fusinato's 0_Synaesthesia Edition is a four disc, vinyl record set released on legendary Australian experimental music label, Synaesthesia in 2005. A work of sonic art by one of Australia's most challenging visual artists, 0_Synaesthesia Edition inverts the expectations of recorded music by inscribing the object with a musical will of its own, where the grooves force the disc to behave differently with each spin. For this premiere performance of Fusinato's work, four of Melbourne's finest maverick DJs will be controlling a turntable each to facilitate the aural transformation of this art-object into a musical object.
Fusinato at Anna Schwartz Gallery
Poletopra is a new duo featuring renowned experimental musician, Anthony Pateras, and renowned sound/visual artist, Marco Fusinato. Combining a pummeling aesthetic with lightning response, Poletopra is brutal free improv for the 21st century.
Poletopra at Pateras MySpazz

Make It Up Club @ Bar Open, 317 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne
8:30 PM doors
